Terms by Year

>>> from techminer2.metrics import terms_by_year
>>> terms_by_year(
...     field="author_keywords",
...     cumulative=False,
...     title=None,
...     #
...     # FILTER PARAMS:
...     metric='OCC',
...     top_n=20,
...     occ_range=(None, None),
...     gc_range=(None, None),
...     custom_terms=None,
...     #
...     root_dir="example/",
...     database="main",
...     year_filter=(None, None),
...     cited_by_filter=(None, None),
... ).df_
year                             2015  2016  2017  2018  2019
FINTECH 31:5168                     0     5     8    12     6
INNOVATION 07:0911                  0     3     3     1     0
FINANCIAL_SERVICES 04:0667          0     1     0     3     0
FINANCIAL_INCLUSION 03:0590         0     1     2     0     0
FINANCIAL_TECHNOLOGY 03:0461        0     0     1     1     1
CROWDFUNDING 03:0335                0     0     1     1     1
MARKETPLACE_LENDING 03:0317         0     0     0     2     1
BUSINESS_MODELS 02:0759             0     0     0     2     0
CYBER_SECURITY 02:0342              0     0     0     2     0
CASE_STUDY 02:0340                  0     0     1     0     1
ARTIFICIAL_INTELLIGENCE 02:0327     0     0     0     0     2
TECHNOLOGY 02:0310                  0     1     1     0     0
FINANCE 02:0309                     0     0     1     0     1
BLOCKCHAIN 02:0305                  0     0     0     1     1
BANKING 02:0291                     0     1     1     0     0
ROBOTS 02:0289                      0     0     0     0     2
REGTECH 02:0266                     0     0     0     1     1
LENDINGCLUB 02:0253                 0     0     0     1     1
PEER_TO_PEER_LENDING 02:0253        0     0     0     1     1
SHADOW_BANKING 02:0253              0     0     0     1     1
>>> from techminer2.metrics import terms_by_year
>>> terms_by_year(
...     field="author_keywords",
...     cumulative=False,
...     title=None,
...     #
...     # FILTER PARAMS:
...     metric='OCC',
...     top_n=20,
...     occ_range=(None, None),
...     gc_range=(None, None),
...     custom_terms=None,
...     #
...     root_dir="example/",
...     database="main",
...     year_filter=(None, None),
...     cited_by_filter=(None, None),
... ).fig_.write_html("sphinx/_static/metrics/terms_by_year.html")
>>> from techminer2.metrics import terms_by_year
>>> print(
...     terms_by_year(
...         field="author_keywords",
...         cumulative=False,
...         title=None,
...         #
...         # FILTER PARAMS:
...         metric='OCC',
...         top_n=20,
...         occ_range=(None, None),
...         gc_range=(None, None),
...         custom_terms=None,
...         #
...         # DATABASE PARAMS:
...         root_dir="example/",
...         database="main",
...         year_filter=(None, None),
...         cited_by_filter=(None, None),
...     ).prompt_
... ) 
Your task is ...
>>> from techminer2.metrics import terms_by_year
>>> print(
...     terms_by_year(
...         field="author_keywords",
...         cumulative=False,
...         title=None,
...         #
...         # FILTER PARAMS:
...         metric='OCC',
...         top_n=20,
...         occ_range=(None, None),
...         gc_range=(None, None),
...         custom_terms=None,
...         #
...         # DATABASE PARAMS:
...         root_dir="example/",
...         database="main",
...         year_filter=(None, None),
...         cited_by_filter=(None, None),
...         ).metrics_.head(20).to_markdown()
... )
|    | author_keywords      |   year |   OCC |   cum_OCC |   global_citations |   local_citations |   age |   global_citations_per_year |   local_citations_per_year |
|  0 | FINTECH              |   2016 |     5 |         5 |                498 |                 5 |     4 |                     124.5   |                      1.25  |
|  1 | FINTECH              |   2017 |     8 |        13 |               1572 |                11 |     3 |                     524     |                      3.667 |
|  2 | FINTECH              |   2018 |    12 |        25 |               2338 |                 9 |     2 |                    1169     |                      4.5   |
|  3 | FINTECH              |   2019 |     6 |        31 |                760 |                 1 |     1 |                     760     |                      1     |
|  4 | INNOVATION           |   2016 |     3 |         3 |                407 |                 3 |     4 |                     101.75  |                      0.75  |
|  5 | INNOVATION           |   2017 |     3 |         6 |                402 |                 2 |     3 |                     134     |                      0.667 |
|  6 | INNOVATION           |   2018 |     1 |         7 |                102 |                 0 |     2 |                      51     |                      0     |
|  7 | FINANCIAL_SERVICES   |   2016 |     1 |         1 |                226 |                 0 |     4 |                      56.5   |                      0     |
|  8 | FINANCIAL_SERVICES   |   2018 |     3 |         4 |                441 |                 1 |     2 |                     220.5   |                      0.5   |
|  9 | FINANCIAL_INCLUSION  |   2016 |     1 |         1 |                 96 |                 1 |     4 |                      24     |                      0.25  |
| 10 | FINANCIAL_INCLUSION  |   2017 |     2 |         3 |                494 |                 4 |     3 |                     164.667 |                      1.333 |
| 11 | FINANCIAL_TECHNOLOGY |   2017 |     1 |         1 |                253 |                 1 |     3 |                      84.333 |                      0.333 |
| 12 | FINANCIAL_TECHNOLOGY |   2018 |     1 |         2 |                137 |                 0 |     2 |                      68.5   |                      0     |
| 13 | FINANCIAL_TECHNOLOGY |   2019 |     1 |         3 |                 71 |                 0 |     1 |                      71     |                      0     |
| 14 | CROWDFUNDING         |   2017 |     1 |         1 |                100 |                 1 |     3 |                      33.333 |                      0.333 |
| 15 | CROWDFUNDING         |   2018 |     1 |         2 |                145 |                 0 |     2 |                      72.5   |                      0     |
| 16 | CROWDFUNDING         |   2019 |     1 |         3 |                 90 |                 0 |     1 |                      90     |                      0     |
| 17 | MARKETPLACE_LENDING  |   2018 |     2 |         2 |                220 |                 2 |     2 |                     110     |                      1     |
| 18 | MARKETPLACE_LENDING  |   2019 |     1 |         3 |                 97 |                 0 |     1 |                      97     |                      0     |
| 19 | BUSINESS_MODELS      |   2018 |     2 |         2 |                759 |                 3 |     2 |                     379.5   |                      1.5   |
>>> from techminer2.metrics import terms_by_year
>>> print(
...     terms_by_year(
...         field="author_keywords",
...         cumulative=False,
...         title=None,
...         #
...         # FILTER PARAMS:
...         metric='OCC',
...         top_n=20,
...         occ_range=(None, None),
...         gc_range=(None, None),
...         custom_terms=None,
...         #
...         # DATABASE PARAMS:
...         root_dir="example/",
...         database="main",
...         year_filter=(None, None),
...         cited_by_filter=(None, None),
...     ).documents_.head(20).to_markdown()
... )
|    | author_keywords         | document_title                                                                              |   year | source_title                                 |   global_citations |   local_citations | doi                             |
|  0 | BUSINESS_MODELS         | FINTECH: ECOSYSTEM, BUSINESS_MODELS, INVESTMENT_DECISIONS, and challenges                   |   2018 | Business Horizons                            |                557 |                 2 | 10.1016/J.BUSHOR.2017.09.003    |
|  1 | FINTECH                 | FINTECH: ECOSYSTEM, BUSINESS_MODELS, INVESTMENT_DECISIONS, and challenges                   |   2018 | Business Horizons                            |                557 |                 2 | 10.1016/J.BUSHOR.2017.09.003    |
|  2 | FINTECH                 | DIGITAL_FINANCE and FINTECH: CURRENT_RESEARCH and FUTURE_RESEARCH_DIRECTIONS                |   2017 | Journal of Business Economics                |                489 |                 4 | 10.1007/S11573-017-0852-X       |
|  3 | FINTECH                 | FINTECH, REGULATORY_ARBITRAGE, and the rise of SHADOW_BANKS                                 |   2018 | Journal of Financial Economics               |                390 |                 0 | 10.1016/J.JFINECO.2018.03.011   |
|  4 | FINANCIAL_INCLUSION     | the DIGITAL_REVOLUTION in FINANCIAL_INCLUSION: INTERNATIONAL_DEVELOPMENT in the FINTECH_ERA |   2017 | New Political Economy                        |                314 |                 2 | 10.1080/13563467.2017.1259298   |
|  5 | FINTECH                 | the DIGITAL_REVOLUTION in FINANCIAL_INCLUSION: INTERNATIONAL_DEVELOPMENT in the FINTECH_ERA |   2017 | New Political Economy                        |                314 |                 2 | 10.1080/13563467.2017.1259298   |
|  6 | FINTECH                 | the emergence of the GLOBAL_FINTECH_MARKET: economic and TECHNOLOGICAL_DETERMINANTS         |   2019 | Small Business Economics                     |                258 |                 1 | 10.1007/S11187-018-9991-X       |
|  7 | FINANCIAL_TECHNOLOGY    | FINTECH                                                                                     |   2017 | Business and Information Systems Engineering |                253 |                 1 | 10.1007/S12599-017-0464-6       |
|  8 | FINTECH                 | FINTECH                                                                                     |   2017 | Business and Information Systems Engineering |                253 |                 1 | 10.1007/S12599-017-0464-6       |
|  9 | INNOVATION              | FINTECH                                                                                     |   2017 | Business and Information Systems Engineering |                253 |                 1 | 10.1007/S12599-017-0464-6       |
| 10 | CYBER_SECURITY          | a SURVEY on FINTECH                                                                         |   2018 | Journal of Network and Computer Applications |                238 |                 1 | 10.1016/J.JNCA.2017.10.011      |
| 11 | FINTECH                 | a SURVEY on FINTECH                                                                         |   2018 | Journal of Network and Computer Applications |                238 |                 1 | 10.1016/J.JNCA.2017.10.011      |
| 12 | BANKING                 | taming the beast: a SCIENTIFIC_DEFINITION of FINTECH                                        |   2016 | Journal of Innovation Management             |                226 |                 0 | 10.24840/2183-0606_004.004_0004 |
| 13 | FINANCIAL_SERVICES      | taming the beast: a SCIENTIFIC_DEFINITION of FINTECH                                        |   2016 | Journal of Innovation Management             |                226 |                 0 | 10.24840/2183-0606_004.004_0004 |
| 14 | INNOVATION              | taming the beast: a SCIENTIFIC_DEFINITION of FINTECH                                        |   2016 | Journal of Innovation Management             |                226 |                 0 | 10.24840/2183-0606_004.004_0004 |
| 15 | TECHNOLOGY              | taming the beast: a SCIENTIFIC_DEFINITION of FINTECH                                        |   2016 | Journal of Innovation Management             |                226 |                 0 | 10.24840/2183-0606_004.004_0004 |
| 16 | ARTIFICIAL_INTELLIGENCE | ARTIFICIAL_INTELLIGENCE in FINTECH: understanding ROBO_ADVISORS ADOPTION among customers    |   2019 | Industrial Management and Data Systems       |                225 |                 0 | 10.1108/IMDS-08-2018-0368       |
| 17 | FINANCE                 | ARTIFICIAL_INTELLIGENCE in FINTECH: understanding ROBO_ADVISORS ADOPTION among customers    |   2019 | Industrial Management and Data Systems       |                225 |                 0 | 10.1108/IMDS-08-2018-0368       |
| 18 | ROBOTS                  | ARTIFICIAL_INTELLIGENCE in FINTECH: understanding ROBO_ADVISORS ADOPTION among customers    |   2019 | Industrial Management and Data Systems       |                225 |                 0 | 10.1108/IMDS-08-2018-0368       |
| 19 | BUSINESS_MODELS         | FINTECH and REGTECH: impact on regulators and BANKS                                         |   2018 | Journal of Economics and Business            |                202 |                 1 | 10.1016/J.JECONBUS.2018.07.003  |