Sort by Key MatchΒΆ

Finds a string in the terms of a thesaurus.


>>> import sys
>>> from io import StringIO
>>> from techminer2.thesaurus.references import CreateThesaurus, SortByKeyMatch
>>> # Redirecting stderr to avoid messages
>>> original_stderr = sys.stderr
>>> sys.stderr = StringIO()
>>> # Create, configure, and run the sorter
>>> sorter = (
...     SortByKeyMatch()
...     .having_pattern("ECON")
...     .where_root_directory_is("example/")
... )
>>> # Capture and print stderr output
>>> output = sys.stderr.getvalue()
>>> sys.stderr = original_stderr
>>> print(output)
Sorting thesaurus file by key match
            File : example/thesaurus/references.the.txt
         Pattern : ECON
  Case sensitive : False
     Regex Flags : 0
    Regex Search : False
  7 matching keys found
  Thesaurus sorting by key match completed successfully

Printing thesaurus header
  File : example/thesaurus/references.the.txt

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